Monday, May 19, 2008


hello everyone! as you probably know, since you're reading this, I am headed to sevilla, spain this summer! i'm so excited!!! (yes, i realize my first 3 sentences all started with exclamation points, and yes, i think that's excessive, too, but i'm over it). my minor is spanish, and my options to finish it were either in spain or wisconsin. guess which won? so i will be finishing my minor and having a blast while i'm at it. i will be there may 25-june 28. i will try to update this blog with happenings (and hopefully pictures) every few days.

right now it's 7 days to show time. honestly, it really hasn't hit me yet--all my other trips to europe i've had at least a year of warning/prep time, and this one has been less than 10 weeks from finding out about the opportunity to embarking. crazy! and due to school just ending and jury duty, i've kinda been putting off getting ready til i'm less busy (ha! when will that ever happen?). i've just started a pile in the corner of my room. so far it consists of sunscreen and a phone card. do you think i'm in good shape for a month abroad? me too.

until next time (when i will hopefully have more packed and a shorter target list).


angelique said...

ooh, your first comment! do take loads of pictures and put them up! Anyhow, enjoy your flight - any layovers? - and good luck :)

Happily Knit said...

Of COURSE you have a blog now. We would be starting to drift apart otherwise. What's GREAT is that in the Fall, when we're both back at school, this site can make a graceful transition into a knitting blog like mine!

Much love, I'll miss you.

(Travel safely!)